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Images des "libérateurs" et défenseurs de la démocratie en Libye...

Images des
This page is dedicated to exposing the war crimes being committed in Libya by NATO and the NATO backed “rebels” otherwise known as Al-Qaeda.  The pictures, videos, and info are all coming from inside Libya, from refuges, civilians and independent (non-government) aid organizations.  The only goal is to get the truth out about the people we as a country are backing and the real results of NATO’s continued bombing raids on the densely populated cities inside of Libya. FOR MORE ON THE WAR CRIMES BEING COMMITTED BY AL-QAEDA READ SUSAN LINDAUER’S FULL ARTICLE CLICK HERE
First lets start with the pictures of a NATO bombing run gone wrong.  The following pictures come from inside Tripoli, June 20th 2011, 12:04 pm local time.  A civilian house of no military value whatsoever was hit by 10 bombs killing over 15 people including babies and children.  So much for protecting civilians.

Main House




Main House, Second Floor






Dead Libyan Baby Fom Bombed House



Charred pieces of a body from inside the house



Charred remains of a female child



Dead adult pulled from bombed house



Dead female civilian pulled from bombed house



Dead baby's older sister, also dead.



Head missing body



Female survivor who lost leg



Young male child survivor

The video below is from a Russia Today News Crew who was at the Hospital

Below are videos coming out of Libya from Libyan citizens themselves and non-government supported aid organizations.  They are very graphic and should be watched away from children.  You can learn some background on them by reading Susan Lindauer’s exclusive article here at Federaljack.com
Libyan rebels behead Libyan Soldier

Libyan rebels Kill captured Libyan Soldiers and steal their weapons

CIA fighting rebels

Libyan Rebels sodomize captured Libyan Soldier with a gun

Libyan Protestors and Rebels hang and behead captured Libyan soldier

NATO bombs civilian cars in Libya

Rebels force live Libyan Soldiers to eat a dead Libyan soldier

Libyan Rebels Torture Small Child by Sticking a Pole Through His Body

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